Eyebright | ATTIS | 20g
  • Eyebright | ATTIS | 20g

Eyebright | ATTIS | 20g

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Eyebright, scientifically known as Euphrasia officinalis, is an herbaceous plant that has been used in traditional herbal medicine for its potential health benefits. It is named after its historical use in supporting eye health. Eyebright contains various compounds, including flavonoids and tannins, which contribute to its medicinal properties. It is believed to have anti-inflammatory and astringent effects, making it a popular natural remedy for eye-related issues such as conjunctivitis, dry eyes, and eye strain.


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To use eyebright, it is commonly prepared as a herbal infusion or eyewash. To make a herbal infusion, steep dried eyebright leaves and flowers in hot water for 10-15 minutes, then strain the mixture and let it cool. This infusion can be applied as a compress to the eyes using a clean cloth or used as an eyewash by gently rinsing the eyes with the cooled liquid. It's important to use caution and ensure that the infusion is cooled before applying it to the eyes.

While eyebright has been traditionally used for eye health, its use should be approached with care and under professional guidance. It's always advisable to seek medical advice for any specific eye concerns and to follow a comprehensive approach to eye health, including regular eye exams, proper eye care practices, and a balanced diet rich in nutrients beneficial for eye health.

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